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- بیشتر -دانلود مقاله : Dynamical model for longitudinal wave functions in light-front holographic QCD 2013

دانلود مقاله :
Dynamical model for longitudinal wave functions in light-front holographic QCD 2013
نویسندگان :
Sophia S. Chabysheva, John R. Hiller
چکیده :
Weconstruct a Schrödinger-like equation for the longitudinal wave
function of a meson in the valence q¯q sector, based on the ’t Hooft
model for large-N two-dimensional QCD, and combine this with
the usual transverse equation from light-front holographic QCD,
to obtain a model for mesons with massive quarks. The computed
wave functions are compared with the wave function ansatz of
Brodsky and de Téramond and used to compute decay constants
and parton distribution functions. The basis functions used to
solve the longitudinal equation may be useful for more general
calculations of meson states in QCD.