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- بیشتر -دانلود مقاله : Doing adulthood through parenthood: Notions of parenthood among people with cognitive disabilities 2013

دانلود مقاله :
Doing adulthood through parenthood: Notions of parenthood among people with cognitive disabilities 2013
نویسندگان :
Hanna Bertilsdotter Rosqvista , Veronica Lövgrenb
چکیده :
Perspectives on reproduction and developmental disabilities are
gradually changing in Sweden. Through this change parents with
developmental disabilities are gradually being included within an
emergent discourse of “good enough parenting” on certain conditions.
The present article explores discourses of reproduction and
parenting among adults with developmental disabilities in two
Swedish contexts: in a Swedish magazine, “Empowerment”, produced
by and aimed at adults with autism, and interviews with
people with intellectual disabilities in Sweden. Common to the
materials from both studies are a normative reprosexual discourse
of parenting and an underlying assumption that parenthood relates
to adulthood in the sense that it requires maturity. The stories in the
magazine “Empowerment” can be seen as expressing an emergent
counter-hegemonic conditional discourse of “good enough parenting”
which regards some people with autism as “good enough”
parents. In general terms, the stories about parenting in the interview
study depict parenting as related to age awareness and, unlike
what is found in the material from “Empowerment”, there is no discussion
of or reflection on whether or how impairment affects one’s
opportunity/ability to become a parent